The Capability to be Informed and to Process Threats




Xecure Threat Intelligence is a platform for sharing, storing, and correlating Indicators of Compromise (IoC) of targeted attacks, threat intelligence, financial fraud information, vulnerability information or even counter-terrorism information.


  • Open standards information sharing.
  • Flexible data model for simple as well as complex objects.
  • Work greatly with various security software.
  • Collaborative sharing of analysis and correlation.
  • Threat collaboration platform for cybersecurity knowledge management.


  • An efficient IoC and indicators database allowing to store technical and non-technical information about malware samples, incidents, attackers and intelligence.
  • Built-in sharing functionality to ease data sharing using different models of distributions.
  • Storing data in a structured format (allowing automated use of the database for various purposes) with an extensive support of cyber security indicators along fraud indicators as in the financial sector.
  • Cost effective perpetual license is available on your request.